new environments

new enviroments deal with the creation and modification of existing context for the focusing on objects. new enviroments transform the perception of existing objects. The change in the context of the transformed objects leaves room for a new interpretation.
It does not aim to create a neutral area, or the best possible white cell. The term context is inextricably linked with the concept of meaning. Meaningful structures can be understood only by context. new enviroments ask critical questions and take a stand. new enviroments promotes the binding of existing objects, and thus creates context-specific meaning.

Opening MPREIS Volders 

In the second row to the state road, a new MPREIS supermarket has been built in Volders with a residential building above it. The new building replaces an existing branch and not only adds a new Baguette Café and an underground car park at this location, but also a three-storey residential building with 16 apartments, with the apartments on the top floor being made available as assisted living, especially for older people with increased care requirements.

Oct 4 2013 (All day) - Oct 25 2013 (All day)
Documentary and Interview of the Landhausplatz

The goal of the intervention at Eduard-Wallnöfer-Platz (Landhausplatz) was to create a contemporary urban public space that negotiates between the various contradictory conditions and constraints of the site and establishes a stage for a new mélange of urban activities characterized by a wide diversity. The realized project consists of a 9.000 square meter concrete floor sculpture.

Tutor: Kathrin Aste
Course: Orientierung
Institution: University of Innsbruck

Jan 1 2013 (All day)
Landhausplatz | Eduard Wallnöfer Platz

New Design for Eduard Wallnöfer Platz | Landhausplatz
is nominated for the
European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture
Mies van der Rohe Award 2013



The stand creates a window to the construction site. It demonstrates the complex procedures and situations that make the process of building possible. The stand serves only as a framework: a clear, smooth body, with the raw sub-structure, consisting of a scaffolding, not hidden, but part of the design.


All social and political dynamics are reflected in public space. Therefore public squares show the significant social, political and historic processes of change in our society. They contain the factors which form the city and its identity. Public spaces are, as well as social and communal platforms, stages of interpersonal and personal attention. Today, too, the square serves the public as a display of local foci, unanswered questions and developmental processes of society. The social function of the place is undisputed, its self-understanding is a prerequisite of democratic place. The gestalt of architecture generated the possibility for the square to meet this demand.


Der Entwurf ist ein räumlich-archäologisches Konzept welches Kunst, Kultur und Naturwissenschaften mit dem Umfeld vereinen kann.

Mar 11 2015 - 11:00am
IAKS Seminar Freiräume für Sport und Bewegung

Frank Ludin

Seminarzentrum IAKS | Köln
International Association for Sports and Leisure Facilities
Lecturer: Frank Ludin


Title: Das letzte Café
Tutor: Kathrin Aste
Student: Linja Meller
Institution: University of Innsbruck

"...Dennoch sind die Nicht-Orte das Maß unserer Zeit, ein Maß, das sich quantifizieren lässt und das man nehmen könnte, indem man - mit gewissen Umrechnungen zwischen Flächen, Volumen und Abstand - die Summe bildete aus den Flugstrecken, den Bahnlinien und den Autobahnen, den mobilen Behausungen..., den Bahnhöfen, Flughäfen und Raumstationen, ..., und schließlich dem komplizierten Gewirr der verkabelten oder drahtlosen Netze..." (Marc Augé)
Jul 10 2014 (All day) - Sep 15 2014 (All day)
Mies van der Rohe Award 1988 - 2013

Europas beste Bauten - Preis der Europäischen Union für zeitgenössische Architektur


To respect the existing and to encourage the future is the aim of the redesign and renovation of the Campus Technik. In this respect the new forum intended to make old and new innovations visible.

Sep 28 2018 - 11:30am - 12:30pm
Entwerfertage Bund Deutscher Landschaftsarchitekten

As part of the bdla designer days on 28 and 29 September 2018, the Bund Deutscher Landschaftsarchitekten bdla invites for the first time to the bdla designer days in Berlin.

Speakers: Arch. DI Kathrin Aste, LAAC, Dipl.-Ing. Johannes Eck, KEHRBAUM ARCHITECTS AG, Dipl.-Ing. Maren Brakebusch, VOGT, Michael Senn, sculptor, Prof. Jenny B. Osuldsen, Snøhetta, ...

Organizer: Bund Deutscher Landschaftsarchitekten bdla

Oct 27 2015 (All day)
Award for Exemplary Sports and Leisure Facilities
May 1 2014 (All day) - May 16 2014 (All day)
Digital Craft: Fabricating the Virtual in the Twenty-First Century
Oct 15 2010 (All day) - Oct 21 2010 (All day)
Die Bäckerei

 Ausstellung vom 15. - 21. Oktober 2010 in "Die Bäckerei", Innsbruck




Text Horst Schreiber
Upheaval in the Tyrolean NS - Culture of Remembrance
The artistic intervention at the Liberation Monument and the newly created Edward - Wallnöfer - place in Innsbruck
The publication of the intervention


The challenge of this exhibition design is to combine arts, culture and literature together in order to concisely explore what is meant by 'Inside the White Cube': The concept of the design for the cultural history exhibit is based on several variations of the display cases, which are designed to compress and even neutralize traditional values, hinting to this sense only through the use of velvet as a finish material.

Jan 1 2012 (All day)

New Design for Eduard Wallnöfer Platz | Landhausplatz
receives Honorable Mention at Piranesi awards 2012

Piranesi awards 2012

Jan 1 2012 (All day)

Award of the Land Tyrol for New Building 2012
New Design for Eduard-Wallnöfer-Plaza in Innsbruck

aut. architektur und tirol

Users are given the impression of being in an oversized plan or sketch. The main tools of the architect make a jump in scale, and are decontextualized in favor of the vistor's new impression.

Jun 1 2013 (All day)
Sustainable Design
Kathrin Aste

LAAC, Austria

Title: Frozen Heaven
Tutor: Frank Ludin
Institution: University of Innsbruck


Frozen Heaven

Title: Plenarsaal Raumreserven
Tutor: Kathrin Aste
Course: Entwurfsstudio E2
Institution: University of Innsbruck


Andreas Manzl

Plenarsaal Raumreserven; Entwurfsstudio E2, Universität Innsbruck

„Die Parteien müssen in den nächsten Wochen ausschnapsen, welcher Parlamentsklub wie viel Platz im Hohen Haus und dessen Nebengebäuden bekommt. Etwa 33m² pro Abgeordnetem stehen jeder Fraktion zur Verfügung. Alleine die ÖVP, die die meisten Mandate verloren hat, muss also auf etwa 500 m² verzichten. Dazu kommen persönliche Animositäten und Präferenzen für bestimmte Räumlichkeiten. Bis zur konstituierenden Sitzung Ende Oktober wird es daher mindestens dauern, bis die Platzverteilung endgültig geregelt ist.“                 aus: Der Standard vom 30.September 08


The peculiarity of the topographic conditions and the uniqueness of its usage are what make the Bergisel a sporting and cultural hotspot. A reponse sympathetic to the traditional - historical burden of the place is the focus of this proposal.

Oct 29 2015 - 4:00pm - 5:30pm
Schaffung von Bewegungsräumen in einem historisch sensiblen Umfeld

Frank Ludin


within the 24 th IAKS Congress Cologne Trade Fair Deutz

Internationale Vereinigung Sport- und Freizeiteinrichtungen

Speakers: DI Frank Ludin, LAAC Architekten zt GmbH und Klaus Juen, Amt der Tiroler Landesregierung

Crossover Studio
The program foresees intense workshops with invited guests, guest lectures and reviews in a well balanced mix of integrating international and local knowledge to contribute to the studio research, feed-back and dialogue. The studio makes extensive use of engaging modeling technologies by various means: reflecting abstractions of reality within the ranges of analytical data to conceiving architectures as dynamic responsive systems, and building speculative designs and narrations for modeling alternative realties.